
小学宗教教育  一至五年级

等级1 & 2 (神圣的准备)
-请参阅下面的文件附件的课程日历 & 报名表格——
For more information, please  call Jackie at the rectory office (626) 796-0432, ext 114.
bet365中文 & 一般信息

We are all very excited to begin a new year together learning about God and our beautiful Catholic faith. 我们期待与您的合作, 作为父母, 帮助你的孩子认识神和教会.  为了对我们项目的使命有一个坚定的理解, 请阅读下面的信息.

Catechesis during childhood depends largely on the child’s experience in his or her relationship with others.  孩子的直接环境, 通常是在家里, 仍然是孩子与上帝活生生关系的主要体验. 但也, the support of a larger community becomes highly important to formation in faith and its absence becomes a serious matter.  Catechesis seeks to help children make an increasingly personal response to God’s word and gifts.  Catechesis approaches young persons with reverence and aids them in discovering and developing their unique, 在福音的帮助下,上帝赐予的礼物.  (《bet365中文》第178期)
圣菲利斯塔斯 & 永久宗教教育计划致力于帮助每个孩子:
  1. 培养他们个人的灵性意识.
  2. 相信我们的神是慈爱和关怀的.
  3. Look for and respect the presence of God in them, in others, and in the world around them.
  4. 在传统和自发的祈祷中体验快乐和轻松.
  5. 培养对神对我们说话的圣经的强烈熟悉和爱.
  6. 学习和理解我们天主教信仰的主要教义.
  7. Grow in their understanding and appreciation of the Mass and their sense of belonging to the worshiping community.
  8. 与周围的人分享圣经的好消息和我们的天主教信仰.

  • 每年入学要求和费用
    • In order to be eligible for enrollment each family must fall into one of the following categories:
      • The family may be registered at the rectory office and be an active and supporting family in the parish.  All registered families are asked to use the weekly envelopes to support parish life.
      • A family may be registered at another parish and attend our program due to a scheduling conflict.
    • 100美元的费用.每个孩子00美元帮助支付项目的费用(学生保险), 教科书, 以及课堂上使用的所有用品和材料).
    •  另外收费50美元.二年级/圣礼班的儿童每名收费00英镑.
  • Set Curriculum: The curriculum used is the Blest Are We Series by Silver Burdett Ginn Religion.  Children experience a “spiral” approach to learning our Catholic faith as the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic 教堂—Belief, 崇拜/礼拜仪式, 道德和祈祷——每年都在每个年级教授和发展.  This curriculum has been evaluated by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and has been approved and recommended for use in religious programs in this Archdiocese.
  • Catechists (Teachers): The catechists are volunteers who are willing to spend time sharing their faith with the children of the parish. 他们大多数都有多年的传道员经验.  他们都做好了教育孩子的充分准备.
  • 学生保险:孩子在来学校时受伤,可以投保, 参加或从宗教教育课回家.  保险费已包含在注册费中.
  • 紧急和地震程序
    • 在地震或其他紧急情况下, 每一个人, 什么时候是安全的, will evacuate the school building according to the emergency plan and assemble in the parking lot.  No one will be allowed to leave the campus until staff members are ready to release and sign-out the students.
    • 在任何紧急情况下, children will be released only to adults whose names are listed on the enrollment form.
父母是子女首要的传道员.  This means that you are primarily responsible for the faith formation of your child.  在教区计划中,你对孩子的成功起着非常重要的作用.  确保你的孩子理解我们的天主教信仰, 以下工作需要您的配合:
质量出席Attendance at Mass is considered a very high priority for your child to understand the centrality of the Holy Eucharist in our lives as Catholics.  The example of public worship within our faith community is essential for your child to understand the teachings in the classroom.
祈祷你的孩子需要在家里学习我们传统的天主教祈祷文.  Teaching your child to pray enables the catechist to teach the curriculum required by the U.S. 天主教主教.  (见所附的祷告单.)
支持:  It is important that you take an active participation in your child’s faith formation and help them realize how important their religious education classes are.

  1. Students are required to cooperate and behave in ways that encourage living as children of God and treating each other with respect, 礼貌和善良.
  2. 学生被要求学习我们天主教的传统祈祷:我们的父亲, 万福马利亚, 荣耀, 忏悔行为. 请参阅附呈的祷告表.
  3. Students are required to complete their assignments and actively participate in class.
  4. Students are required to make a genuine effort to attend Sunday Mass weekly and participate with responses, 歌唱和祈祷.
  5. 学生必须遵守课堂和庭院规则.

For your child’s safety and the safety of all the children in our program we have rules that must be strictly followed by all the children.  请阅读这些并和你的孩子一起复习.
  1. Students may not leave the school grounds at anytime during Religious Education classes without written permission from parents.
  2. Students are expected to dress properly when attending Religious Education classes.
  3. Students 是不允许进入教室的吗 at any time without the teacher’s presence.
  4. 嚼口香糖、糖果、葵花籽等. 在任何时候都不能出现在教室或学校操场上.  请务必让您的孩子在上课前吃点零食.  教室里不允许吃东西.
  5. 手机、玩具、电脑游戏、收音机等. 是不允许进入教室的吗. 请不要把它们带到课堂上.
  6. Please keep off all banisters, walls and tables both inside and outside the school.
  7. 所有学生都要协助保持场地和设施的清洁.  Drinking fountains, play equipment and bathrooms are to be used with safety and cleanliness in mind.
  8. 孩子们不允许在校园里或学校大楼里奔跑.  打架或“打闹”是不允许的.
  9. There is to be no BIKE-RIDING or SKATEBOARD-RIDING on the church or school grounds.  Students must dismount their bikes or skateboards when leaving the public sidewalk and walk onto the school grounds.
  10. 请使用教区长住宅两侧标示的步行道.
  11. 只有在教区长住宅附近有明确标志的人行横道上穿过车道.

为了所有宗教教育孩子和家长的安全, 请注意这些规则, 是在与圣马力诺警察局协商后制定的.
  1. Students should not be dropped off or picked up on Huntington Drive because of the busy and hazardous traffic there.  It is also extremely dangerous to drop off or pick up students on the west side (“across the street”) of Palomar, 或者在帕洛马东侧“双停车”.
  2. 学校大楼旁边的隔离区绝对禁止停车
  3. 我们教区的汽车交通是“单向的”。.  南车道有两条出口车道.  请仔细阅读所提供的交通安全图表.
  4. Orange cones and tall orange markers are arranged on the grounds to permit “drive-thru” lanes in the center, 在高大的橙色标志附近还有一条“下车”和“上车”的车道.  在标志和学校建筑之间是一个“行人安全区”.” Another pedestrian safety area is inside the cones near the patio/lunch-table area.
  5. Everyone (adults and students) is to cross from one pedestrian safety area to the other only at the crosswalk. It is dangerous and therefore forbidden to cross the traffic lanes at any other point. The only exception would be to walk immediately in front of the car a student has just gotten out of.
  6. 请研究本页背面的图表.  无论你是走路还是开车, 为了您自身的安全,请遵守以上规定, 你的孩子和其他人的安全.